Smart Health 650nm Low Level 13 Laser Therapy Hypertension Diabetic Anti-inflammatory Treatment Physiotherapy Home Use Devices
Smart Health 650nm Low Level 13 Laser Therapy Hypertension Diabetic Anti-inflammatory Treatment Physiotherapy Home Use Devices
Wrist irradiation:
Clinical Test
After 30 minutes treatment :
Through the microscope we can observe the red cells activated, it appears single and back to normal.
After 1 month to 3months treatment :
Headache, dizziness, chest tightness, shortness of breath, palpitations, drowsiness, insomnia, numbness, memory loss and other symptoms change or disppear.
After 3 months treatment :
User tests changes in blood flow, blood tests, blood viscosity, cholesterol, triglyceride, low density lipoprotein, or other indicators fall back to normal.
After 6 months and long term treatment :
Effectively improve and treat some diabetic, specially type2 diabetic sufferer. Effectively the balance of their pancreas function. Long-term using will reject cardiovacular and cerebrovascular dieases, such as cerebral thrombosis, stroke and sudden death etc.
Before Treatment: polluted blood within large amounts of toxic and hamful substances, atheromatous plaques are obvious in blood vessel.
After Treatment: clean blood like renewed one after laser therapy. Atheromatous plaque all disappeared.